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For the first time, just last night I watched this film from 1971 ironically titled ''Born To Win'' with overall good performances by all actors including a strong performance by George Segal in the leading role as the hopeless junkie, a wonderful Karen Black, and a then unknown young actor named Robert DeNiro in a small role as Danny the undercover cop who a few years later carved his road to fame and stardom as Travis the taxi driver. I was taken as I usually am by 70's New York City, the realistic plot depicting the humiliating and sad story of a drug addict and the film scoring by a musician named William S. Fisher whom I never heard of until now.

The memorable film score was a mixture of jazz 70's funk, some songs and a nice array of subliminal very effective film scoring which I thought underlined the scenes very well.

Has anyone heard of William S. Fisher?

He is not even mentioned in SC's database.

According to IMDB, he has scored three films.

The first score he did was for the film being mentioned and the other two were ''Dark August'' from 1976 and ''Boardwalk'' from 1979 which I don't believe I have seen.

The film score from this fine movie "Born To Win" would truly make an interesting soundtrack release.

Has anyone seen the movie and liked the film music?


serifiot, June 24, 2007; 10:10 AM


Hi seri,

no need for pessimism! You can find some of the tracks, along with similar stuff on his
fantastic CD "Circles".




PS: I remember WSF from the ancient times, when my turntable was heavily abused by
constantly playing records by Billy Cobham, Alphonse Mouzon and other funk / fusion stuff.
An era of audible trial and error - thank goodness, not liable to prosecution... ;-)

coma, June 24, 2007; 1:28 PM

*BORN TO WIN*... - SoundtrackCollector.com (12)
Hi David... that was fast!

That's awesome. Have you seen the movie? Need I really ask? Wasn't the music memorable as well as the movie itself?


serifiot, June 24, 2007; 1:33 PM

*BORN TO WIN*... - SoundtrackCollector.com (13)
Yep seri , I like these strange little movies from the 70s - Little Murders, Simon etc. I
remember that
I watched BTW because of George Segal and Paula Prentiss but got addicted to the score as

Did you listen to the sound snippets on Amazon yet? I think it's one of the outstanding
albums from that era, which I had nearly forgotten until you shook my memory with your


coma, June 24, 2007; 1:45 PM

*BORN TO WIN*... - SoundtrackCollector.com (14)
I am listening to the samples now.

serifiot, June 24, 2007; 1:49 PM

*BORN TO WIN*... - SoundtrackCollector.com (15)
Still listening... quite addictive.

The music and the songs sound good!

The track 'Chains' and 'Capsule' sound like the subliminal music I was referring to from the film. 'Chains' more so. 'Capsule' must have been quite avant garde for its time. Even now it sounds fresh. 'Saigon' and 'Green Forever' remind me of the funk aspect of the film score like in the beginning of the movie.

These eight tracks are not enough though.

I'll try to track this interesting album as well as other albums by Fisher at possible lower prices, if I can find any.

Obviously the complete film score in itself had more music.

As I was reading the end titles, there was even a song with Tina and Ike. I forget the title of the song and the scene it was in.

I'll watch the movie again later on... and knowing myself when I like something, again and again and again.

I don't know if it's me but this film must be one of these obscure instances were a good movie with good film music scoring never received the mainstream attention it deserved.

A shame that an official complete soundtrack in itself has never been released in any format with all the songs and great music.

Perhaps Mr. Fisher never wanted it this way.

serifiot, June 24, 2007; 2:45 PM

*BORN TO WIN*... - SoundtrackCollector.com (16)
I remember another album by WSF, "Akelarre". But this was very weird stuff indeed, pushing
the limits way beyond "Circles".

I guess there weren't any more releases by himself, as his dayjob was being a musical
at Atlantic who is credited on some recordings by Roberta Flack a.o.

If we would start a list with undeservedly unreleased scores, I think we'd be busy over the
next months... ;-))

Enjoy the music!

PS: I just came across this link to a shop:


PPS: According to IMDB, the Ike & Tina track is ""Ooh POO Pah DOO". And there's supposed
to be another one, "Ballad in C", sung by Karen Black.

coma, June 24, 2007; 3:17 PM

*BORN TO WIN*... - SoundtrackCollector.com (17)
Thanks David... interesting.

Circles is much cheaper there as well.

Those indeed were the songs you mentioned.

''Dark August'' (1976) a thriller only released on VHS and ''Boardwalk'' (1979) a drama which includes music by other composers like Michael Kamen which has never been released in any format according to IMDB, would be interesting to track down and watch one day just to compare the music with "BTW".

serifiot, June 24, 2007; 9:52 PM

*BORN TO WIN*... - SoundtrackCollector.com (18)
I too, like serifiot, was taken in by the soundtrack from Born to Win, especially the guitar solos. Its too bad the guitar solos were piece-meal and not in their entirety. I listened to the sample music of Fisher's "Circles' but did not hear the guitar solos that were in the movie. Any idea who the artist was? Any idea on how to get it in its entirerty, if at all possible?

loren_gallo, January 22, 2008; 12:05 PM

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